The works

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Avatar according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity
4 : an electronic image that represents and is manipulated by a computer user (as in a computer game)

Etymology: Sanskrit avatāraḥ descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over

"Avatar", a word which has frequented more lips than usual as of late. A word that previously referred to deities descending, crossing over into our realm is now used to name the picture that is supposed to represent us, a picture always of our choosing. Like gods reducing themselves to a human form, are we so much greater than the picture that is our face to the digital world? Perhaps more puzzling, is the internet an even less worthy world, a lesser realm than the one our physical bodies inhabit? It is certainly an interesting notion, since like our world to the gods, we are the creators of the internet. This "world" or "plane" came from us, it is our possession, and it is unfit, incapable to house the vessels that we call our real bodies. Ironically, though most would agree that if humans do possess a soul it would be housed in our bodies, many people do pour out their "soul" into the internet. How is it that the internet is not good enough for our bodies, but is allowed our souls? Numerous mythologies have dictated that the soul is far more precious. Perhaps it is because humans are too weak willed to live with their bodies as they are, something over which they have little control if they only view their bodies as a means to please and attract others. One can put on certain clothes, get a certain haircut, but noses are something else, and fat content takes effort to keep at an agreeable level. We have little control in the world our bodies inhabit as well. We create a world, choose an immaculate picture that says exactly what we want it to say, the picture we want people to see when they think of us and recall our name. But even our name has changed. There is no more confusion, because we make sure we are the only ones who possess it: affirmmeimg8, iwantura10tion, and some1loveme.

But we musn't forget the third definition: a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity. We've reduced ourselves to nameless, bodiless, parasites.

1 comment:

Fathom me this: